Benefits of NSC Certification
The National Sedation Center (NSC) program provides standardized sedation education for the non-anesthesia healthcare professional. These evidenced based programs have been developed for the practioner who is providing sedation outside of the operating room. The core content of the program places focus on the 4 levels of sedation, minimal-moderate-deep-anesthesia as defined by the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Sedation Continuum and recognized in the Joint Commission (TJC) 2009 patient safety standards.
Prior to NSC, no centralized training or standardized program was in place to address sedation certification. Hospitals, dental offices and outpatient facilities have been tasked with internally developing sedation education for their providers. Some of these courses can range from a 2 day class to a 10 question online “test” with various levels of content. With NSC certification, the content is evidence based, consistent to all levels of practioner, and offers the facility or private practioner primary site verification of sedation certification. Streamlining a strong and comprehensive program which is nationally recognized allows providers privileged or employed at multiple facilities to only have to show proof of NSC certification just as they do for BLS.
Skills Are Required
NSC requires students to have completed some level of airway skills in order to qualify for certification in sedation.
Foundational Knowledge: Adult Minimal Sedation: Completion of the Foundational Knowledge; Adult Minimal Sedation Course and confirmation of the student’s current AHA Basic Life Support (BLS) or ACLS card are the two components required for achieving certification in Adult Minimal Sedation from the National Sedation Center.
Adult Moderate Sedation: Completion of the Adult Moderate Sedation Course and completing a National Sedation Center skills verification course are the two components required for achieving certification in Adult Moderate Sedation from the National Sedation Center. The NSC skills course is a robust and interactive learning experience that includes having each student manage moderate sedation procedures in four separate scenarios .The Moderate Sedation skills requirement can also be achieved as a component added to an AHA Advanced Cardiac Life Support course. For more details about the NSC Skills course, contact us.
Continuing Education Credits
Students completing the courses are eligible to receive nursing CE or medical CME credits from The Postgraduate Institute for Medicine as follows:
- Foundational Knowledge
- CME- 2.0 hours PIM
- Adult Moderate Sedation
- CME- 2.0 hours PIM