Instructor Training:
Adult Moderate Sedation
No instructor support is necessary to achieve certification in Foundational Knowledge: Adult Minimal Sedation. The skill set is demonstrated by showing proof of a current Basic Life Support (BLS) or Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) card. For Adult Moderate Sedation, however, the student must also complete seven airway management skills and sedation scenarios administered by an approved NSC or ACLS Instructor.

Seasoned Professionals
The preference of NSC management is to attract seasoned, enthusiastic educators who already possess experience in the sedation/analgesia world. Current Instructor status in another discipline, such as Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) is always a bonus, but not mandatory. We recognize that the skill and scenario portion of the course is only as strong as the Instructor who is leading the verification, thus we look to train, support and mentor all new Instructors to their highest potential. Developing an engaging and enduring relationship with the Instructor is a goal for the NSC Management Team.
About the Course
The Instructor Course is a one day course, done either in person or via skype. Once meeting criteria, the Instructor Candidate will complete both NSC sedation programs prior to the Instructor Course. The candidate will not only have their skill verification done at the time of Instructor Course attendance, the Instructor will be learning how to implement the course for others.
Instructor Support
After completion of the NSC Instructor Course, the individual will be at liberty to administer the skill verification as an independent NSC Instructor. No predetermined rate is dictated from NSC management for the Instructor to charge for the skill verification. This is at the discretion of the individual Instructor. The Instructor has full access to the NSC management team for support regarding content, delivery method, and any questions the team can answer.
Quality Control
One of the most important elements of the NSC program is maintaining the highest standards with the Instructor base. Part of the quality control process is getting fair and impartial feedback from the students regarding the Instructor. Evaluations will be scanned to NSC in conjunction with the roster for review on each Instructor and scores will be gathered and reviewed by NSC management. The Likert scoring scale will be used with the expectation that the Instructor will consistently score of 4 or above. Scores consistently of 3 or less will result in an action plan to be developed in conjunction with the given Instructor and NSC Management.
Instructor Training Application
If you are interested in becoming an instructor for NSC, click here for an application.